UVU Master Internship Agreement: What You Need to Know

Internships provide many benefits to both employers and interns. For employers, internships help them tap into fresh talent and identify potential hires. For interns, they get the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and learn from industry experts.

The Utah Valley University (UVU) Master Internship Agreement serves as a contractual agreement that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both the employer and the intern. As a professional, I will walk you through what you need to know about the UVU Master Internship Agreement.

What is the UVU Master Internship Agreement?

The UVU Master Internship Agreement is an agreement signed by the employer, intern, and UVU. It outlines the terms and conditions of the internship, including the intern`s duties, duration, and compensation (if applicable). It also serves as a legal document that protects both parties in case of disputes or misunderstandings.

Who needs to sign the UVU Master Internship Agreement?

The UVU Master Internship Agreement must be signed by the employer, intern, and UVU. The UVU Career Services office facilitates the process by providing the agreement for both parties to sign.

What are the key components of the UVU Master Internship Agreement?

The UVU Master Internship Agreement includes the following key components:

1. Intern`s responsibilities: This section outlines the intern`s duties and responsibilities during the internship. It also includes the intern`s expected work schedule and any relevant policies and procedures.

2. Employer`s responsibilities: This section outlines the employer`s responsibilities, including providing a safe work environment, training, and supervision for the intern.

3. Duration of the internship: This section outlines the start and end dates of the internship. It also includes the expected hours per week the intern will work.

4. Compensation (if applicable): This section outlines the compensation, if any, that the intern will receive for their work during the internship.

5. Confidentiality and intellectual property: This section outlines the expectations for confidentiality and intellectual property rights during the internship.

6. Termination clause: This section outlines the conditions under which either party can terminate the internship, including notice requirements and reasons for termination.

Why is the UVU Master Internship Agreement important?

The UVU Master Internship Agreement serves as a formal agreement that protects both the employer and the intern. It outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both parties, which helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes. It also ensures that the intern is receiving the necessary training and support to succeed in their role.


The UVU Master Internship Agreement is an important document that ensures the success of an internship. By outlining the expectations and responsibilities of both parties, it helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes. As an employer or intern, it is important to understand the key components of the agreement and to sign it before beginning the internship.